My faith and love for God is stronger and bigger than anything else. I know he feels the same way about me too and will always protect me. God is there to protect me he created me. My religion and faith has always and I mean ALWAYS been a part of me and who I am. I am a Christian and as you will find out later accepted Jesus/God as my savior at a very young age. No matter how big of a mess I am in God will always get me out I know he will, because I have faith in him. A definition of faith is believing, trusting in, and having loyalty to God. My faith in God is strong for many reasons. First, because I know and love him. Second, because of all the things he has helped me through, particularly in the last year. Then, third, by putting Jessica Hamilton in my life, even for the short time that was.
I spend A LOT of my time with God. Whether it be in prayer, devotion, or in worship. He's just a part of me and with all the times I mention him you can probably guess that. He also helps me out. Last year I was going through tough times. Anywhere from fights or arguments with friends to crying because of my youth pastor leaving, it was just hard for me. I was so low and kept on thinking that I thought could not get any lower, but boy did God prove me wrong. He was literally carrying me on my shoulders. It has taken me a while to cope with the changes, but with God I know I will get through it because like I have said I have faith in him.
Lastly, J
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