My quest is the quest for Identity. I suppose I do have one since everyone does, but I'm still looking for who I really am. When I was really little, like most people, I didn't care who I was or who was friends with me, because pretty much everyone was friends with everyone. Then, probably in about the fifth grade, I started to worry about how I looked, who I was friends with, who hated me, and all sorts of other stuff that shouldn't necessarily matter. Just a couple of years ago I realized that kind of stuff shouldn't matter and who cares, but once again because of my shyness factor I couldn't stop caring. So I tried to "change" not necessarily who I was but more of how I acted, which I guess could be the same thing.
After meeting one of my best friends, Jessica Cox, and seeing her act CRAZY everyday I realized I was missing our on so much worrying about being "popular" and decided i was going to just be me. The only problem to that solution was after saying that I realized I didn't know who "I" really was. I knew that I was Jessica Jones a super, smart, nerd, in middle school, who LOVED choir, singing, God, and her friends and family, but that was all I knew. I didn't know how i was supposed to act or what I'm supposed to be when I grow up. It got me to thinking am I really this shy girl or am i the more outgoing girl that I am when I'm with my friends? I am still not really sure what the answer to this question is but, hey, that's why it's my quest, right?
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