The devil is my shadow and he is the deadliest thing known to man. He is always trying to bring me down and trying to keep me away from God, convincing me that I don't need him. The devil is always after me and will never stop until he reaches his goal of crushing me and getting me away from God, but he never will. Constantly, I am battling the devil to stand up for what I believe in and prove that I am strong and do truly love God. Sometimes it does get hard with the temptations of worldly things and struggles he throws my way. The devil helps cause sin and sin, too, is my shadow. When I sin I feel so bad and want to stop but we are human and we will sin. That is why we must try our hardest not to. Even though we will fail at times we can try to sin less frequently because we cannot be perfect because we are not expected to be, but sin will always be there as will the devil. This is why the devil and sin are and always will be my shadows.
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